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Being Mrs. Congeniality... why I love it.

On my inaugural journey into the wild world of pageantry did I expect to win? No. Did I want to win? Sure, I think we all want to win at whatever we chose to do. I showed up after working for several months to get myself as ready as I could for this adventure. I saw the twenty something new brides who are still making their own collagen and I still thought I belonged there. Why? Not only did I work hard on my body, my image, learning to get my extensions in without the tracks showing, figuring out how to wear false eyelashes ALL DAY, and above all, wearing five inch heels for HOURS. I also worked on the real me. The me that has wanted to bring awareness and education about childhood sexual abuse to children and adults. The me who is someday in the very near future going to tell her story to a group of girls who need to hear it the most. The me whose first and most genuine reaction to life is to open my arms and offer a hug or help...whichever you might need. I can't wait to see the picture of myself receiving my Community Service Award because I want to see if I look as shell shocked as I felt. I was also shocked about receiving the Mrs. Congeniality title but not like I felt with the Community Service Award. I have spent the last year building relationships within a community that I work in. I have been honored to meet amazing people, be privy to their steering committee meetings, been invited into their inner circles to hear about concerns as well as excitement over development in their community, our community.

Humbling is how I would describe my experience within this community.

And then there is Chaucie's Place. The organization that has helped me to realize my dream of educating and empowering children in an effort to end childhood sexual abuse. I love the work I've been able to do thanks to their program Smart Steps: A Body Safety Program for Children. I really Can't the kids these days would say. I am truly deeply touched by this organization and the work they do. That I get to be a part of it is a dream come true.

So why do I love being Mrs. Congeniality 2017? Because it's the real me. I have a genuine interest in getting to know those around me. I love talking with people. People I know, people I don't know, people I like, people I don't like, people I love, people I want to love. I don't have the flattest belly, I don't have those long graceful arms, I don't make as much collagen as I once did, I don't have the best smile...ok yes I do. I DO have a helping spirit, a watchful eye for those who need just a little bit of extra care, the patience of a saint (sometimes), and the desire to share whatever good I can offer to the world. Some will read this and say "she sure thinks a lot of herself". Yes, she sure does. And so should they, and so should you, and so should we all. We are all special; princesses; Queens; kind; hard working; this list could go on for days.

I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that I'm planning to take what some would see as a dismissive title and award and parlay them into a special part of a new identity and path for myself. I have so many thoughts and ideas swirling in my head about my next steps...I want to share those and get feedback, I welcome partnerships and most of all I want to make some MOVES.

Thank you sincerely for indulging me...


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